Celebrating Two Years of Transforming Lives in Salgaa

Author : William Wandie

... 25 Jun 2023


The joy of new desks expressed by pupils of Chepseon Primary School in Salgaa ©World Vision Photo/ William Wandie.

On June 9th, 2023, we marked the 2nd anniversary of our first locally funded Area Programme (branch) in Salgaa, Nakuru County. Through donations from Kenyans and support from the county government of Nakuru, World Vision donated 260 desks (worth over KSh.1 million), 738 dignity kits (Sanitary pads & personal hygiene kits) and food items to Chepseon Primary School in Salgaa.

Currently, classrooms in the school accommodate more than 80 pupils, with four to five students sharing a single desk.

World Vision Kenya Board Vice-Chair, Grace Munjuri at Chepseon Primary School in Salgaa ©World Vision Photo/ Allan Wekesa.

“This is part of the work that we are doing here in Salgaa to improve learning conditions for children and ensure that they have the required learning resources,” said Grace Munjuri, the Vice-Chair of the World Vision Kenya Board.

In addition, World Vision announced plans to initiate a feeding program in partnership with the county and other key stakeholders, amounting to KSh.1 million per term, at Chepseon Primary School.

Pupils enjoying a meal at Chepseon Primary School ©World Vision Photo/ William Wandie.

This critical programme will enhance children’s nutrition, improve school retention rates and ultimately boost learning outcomes,” said Munjuri.

She noted that many students at the school come from families facing extreme poverty, lacking sufficient food and often experiencing hunger.

The already challenging food security situation in Salgaa has been further exacerbated by inadequate rainfall over the past two years that negatively impacted crop and livestock productivity.

Girls at Chepseon Primary School with their dignity kits ©World Vision Photo/ William Wandie.

To improve the well-being and education performance of girls, World Vision has also provided dignity kits, comprising of sanitary pads and essential items to combat period poverty. Boys also received dignity kits with personal hygiene items.

Chepseon Primary School is one of the six primary schools supported by World Vision in the Salgaa area, alongside Belbur, Gicheha, Boito, Mimwaita, and Kayanet.

During the handover ceremony of the desks at Chepseon Primary School, World Vision also called for collaborative action to address the pressing challenges affecting children in Salgaa.

The World Vision Kenya Board Members with the Nakuru County Government team, led by the Deputy Governor, Hon. David Kones ©World Vision Photo/ William Wandie.

The transit town of Salgaa, situated along the Nakuru-Kisumu-Eldoret Highway, boasts a thriving industrial sector and bustling commercial activities driven by long-distance truck drivers from various East African countries, who usually make stop-overs in the area.

However, the town is also plagued by detrimental social issues such as alcoholism and commercial sex work, which are prevalent among the transient and local population. Compounded by high poverty levels, many people usually resort to these vices as coping mechanisms and quick income sources to meet their basic needs.

Regrettably, these circumstances expose children to various forms of violence, including sexual abuse, teenage pregnancies, child neglect, and child prostitution.

Furthermore, children in Salgaa endure water scarcity and encounter educational hurdles due to inadequate school infrastructure and limited learning resources.

Recognizing the urgent need to address these complex issues, World Vision launched its Salgaa Area Programme (branch) in collaboration with the County Government of Nakuru in 2021, which focuses on implementing transformative development projects in the area. So far, KSh.40 million has been invested in Salgaa, facilitating various development initiatives.

Pupils in class at Chepseon Primary School. ©World Vision Photo/ William Wandie.

Through the Inuka Angaza Fund, World Vision also seeks to construct a Community Resource Centre and Safe Space for children and the community in Salgaa. This will cost approximately KSh. 10 Million and will be instrumental in carrying out a number of interventions including rescuing and counselling children, as well as providing a computer lab, library, and training hall, among other amenities.

On behalf of the community of Salgaa, World Vision is inviting Kenyans, individuals, and corporates to help raise resources, through cash or in-kind support, to aid the implementation of this project that will enable vulnerable children in Salgaa to live a better life and fulfil their future dreams.
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