Sanitation Service Specification

    • Targets 7 schools with an average population of 300 pupils per school over 3 years
    • Provision of clean water to both schools and neighboring communities
    • 4,500 students, teachers, support staff, and community members will benefit from each school connected to clean water
    • Supports water harvesting in schools
    • Connects schools to boreholes and piped water where available
    • Constructs water points for schools and neighboring communities

How you can help

    Help us provide clean and safe water to Salgaa’s children by donating generously to the initiative. KES 650,000 connects a school to clean piped water/water harvesting initiatives.

Sanitation Economic Services

    The Initiative does the following:

    • Targets 7 schools with an average population of 300 pupils per school over 3 years
    • Installs hand-washing stations in all the 7 primary schools
    • Provides each school with at least one 4-door Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine block
    • Adopts current technologies to construct standard low-cost Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine latrines

How you can help

    KES 750,000 builds a durable, high-quality 4-door Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine toilet fitted with hand-washing stations. Help us build safe, dignified, and clean toilets for Salgaa’s school children.