Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use

The content and data on this website, including images and text, belong to World Vision Kenya and cannot be redistributed, copied, or modified without express written permission. Using images or framing materials without permission may lead to legal action. Decisions on use may change without notice.

While World Vision Kenya strives for accurate information, the website content is provided "as is," and World Vision Kenya makes no warranties. World Vision Kenya is not liable for damages or loss resulting from the use of information. Links on World Vision Kenya websites to other sites are not under our privacy practices.

By using this website, sharing your details, registering, sponsoring a child, or expressing interest in sponsorships, you agree to receive communication from us via emails, SMS, letters, and calls. Communications may include updates about World Vision Kenya and Inuka Angaza Funds’ work, payment details/queries, and are not a violation of telecom regulations.

Privacy Policy

Inuka Angaza Fund is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of children and adults in communities where World Vision Kenya operates. The use of child photographs on this website for any purpose, personal or commercial, is strictly prohibited.

Inuka Angaza Fund also protects the privacy of donors, supporters, employees, registered members, and stakeholders. We value trust and commit to transparency and accountability in handling personal information shared with us during our activities.

During our activities, we collect and use personal information like email addresses, phone numbers, and transaction details. Anyone from whom we collect such information can expect careful protection, subject to express or implied consent.

Inuka Angaza Fund voluntarily adheres to best practices for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information outlined in this policy.

Our Refund Policy

For online transactions and MPESA Payments, if a refund request is made, we commit to refunding by reversing the transaction through our bank or the payment service provider within 48 hrs. Charges for the refund will be covered by us in case of wrong deductions or error transactions.